Welcome to Everything Jamie Dornan - North America's largest online resource for the Irish born actor. As fans of Jamie, we encourage and support him in all of his past, present and future endeavours, whatever they may be. With administrators in Canada and the USA, EJD strives to be a comprehensive source for fans of Mr. Dornan who seek a thrilling experience relevant to his career. As devoted fans of Jamie, we aspire to uphold a respectful, fan oriented environment focused on maintaining a high regard for his personal life.
Everything Jamie Dornan • February 5th, 2017

Jamie stopped by The Conan O’Brien show on February 1st where he debuted a party trick we’ve all been secretly dying to see him do in person. We’ve all seen the photographs but never did we think he’d perform the stunt for us on television.

With a crowd filled and fueled by Official Fifty members among other fans of Jamie who made the journey to LA, Jamie starts the interview by stating that he doesn’t have fond memories of the Warner Brothers’ lot.

He auditioned for the film ‘Rock of Ages,’ a few years back and before leaving for the audition, he grabbed a bottle of liquid courage (Whiskey) which didn’t turn out to be such a good idea.

“I had to sing a couple of songs that were well beyond my capabilities. I was first up. It was like 9:45 in the morning and I had just woken up, brushed my teeth and went here, came, here. And I thought, I’ll bring a little bottle of whiskey with me because it really made sense to me at the time. And I thought, it’ll do two things; it’ll give me a bit of courage, because I didn’t think I was a very good singer and the other it would do would warm my vocal chords. So that was the plan anyway. And I parked right before the big water tower thing, and I (…) open the door and I take the whiskey and drank it and as soon as it hit my lips, I puked. I’m talking like, instantly like, really, not just threw up I mean I really threw up all over the side of the car, all these executives are driving by in like little golf buggies and stuff. And then I didn’t think it through. I didn’t bring mouth wash or mints or anything so I went into this audition smelling like whiskey and puke and then sang really badly. Anyway, that’s why you didn’t see me in ‘Rock of Ages.’

Speaking of how sometimes it’s hard for Americans to understand his thick Irish accent, Jamie tells Conan and the audience that if he orders food at a fast food restaurant, he does it in an American accent, because there’s just some things he doesn’t want others to get wrong. At In and Out Burger, he goes for the four-by-four. Four burger patties on a bun with a bucket of cheese – we knew Jamie liked his burgers!

“Were you always confident with women?”


“I was always anything but confident. (…) In fact when we were in University we used to play this game because I was totally incapable of talking to girls and a guy on the Rugby team I played on at University played this game called ‘Shy Guy.” He explains how his friends would go up to a girl and say “My friend’s over there, he’s really shy, but he likes you.” and the idea is that the girl is ‘Awe that’s really sweet, who is he?”

“So one night we tried this on twins at the university (…) and she took one look at Jamie and said ‘Nope.'” Talk about a missed opportunity!

Onto Jamie’s party trick, which he eludes to the fact that Christian may perform this trick in Fifty Shades Darker. Jamie displays how strong he is by showcasing his upper body strength in a balancing act off the edge of Conan’s desk. We’ve seen this before but not in the flesh. Conan’s face says it all!

“This is such a bad idea.”
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen now.”
“Just before I do this, if my face breaks or anything, you will pay for all that, right?”
“I myself will not pay for it.”

He does it with ease but uh, oh – it looks like he pulled a pec muscle! He’s in obvious discomfort but brushes it off. “I’m honestly not exaggerating I’ve just pulled my pec. Yeah that’s not good. Did it look good?” Yes Jamie, it looked beautiful!

A Darker clip is then shown.

Conan ends the interview by telling Jamie he’s really fun to talk to, while fans yell out that they love him.

Let’s hope Jamie does more American television interviews in the future because this past week has been a blast!

Everything Jamie Dornan • February 5th, 2017

Jamie made a surprise appearance on The Talk last week and Sharon Osbourne’s reaction was everything.

After gushing about the Fifty Shades star, he’s welcomed onto the show to everyone’s surprise, especially Sharon, who can’t quite believe that he’s there. She barely talks throughout the interview, instead she’s touching him, rubbing him, looking at him and hanging onto his every word.

Fall in love with Sharon and her reactions by watching the clip below.

Everything Jamie Dornan • February 5th, 2017

Mr. Grey has been a busy man this past week! While embarking on the North American Press Tour for Fifty Shades Darker, Jamie Dornan had a lineup of talk show interviews in the works and sat down with Jimmy Kimmel, among others, on January 31 to chat all things Darker.

The host of the late night talk show has now sat down to chat with Dornan twice, the first time being last November. This time, he sat down with Kimmel to talk Fifty Shades Darker, how his character has evolved and what fans of the franchise can expect with the second installment.

By now, we’ve all seen Jamie’s buzz cut which was the first thing Kimmel asked about. “Did you shave your head for a role?” “Yeah, it’s for work. When I was in my early twenties, I used to have a shaved head, quite a lot, so I know I don’t have one of those (knobby) heads,” as he sweeps his hand across the back of his head. At least it’s not cold in LA!

Jimmy seemed to be quite intrigued by a photo of Jamie with Josh Gad and Don Rickles, so naturally, he asked about it “It’s a photograph of you and Josh Gad and Don Rickles. What was going on here?” “I look very red and drunk,” Jamie replies, making the audience laugh alongside him. “I was having dinner with Don Rickles and his wife Barbara as you do, and Josh Gad happened to just come into the restaurant.”

“How did you end up having dinner with Don Rickles and his wife Barbara in the first place?”
“Uhm, they invited me,” elaborating that they’ve became kind of e-mail buddies throughout the years, to which Jimmy joked that there’s no way Rickles knows to email.

Jamie has always been fond of Rickles and speaks very highly of him. “I’m a big fan of Sinatra and Dean Martin and Joy Bishop (…) and Don was just the one who stuck out to me in all of those.”

“Do you still live in Belfast?” Jimmy asks. “No I don’t live in Belfast anymore, no. I live just outside of London.”

“Have you ever lived here in Los Angeles?”

“I’ve spent a lot of time here. I used to come over here for little stints to try and get work. The first time I came over here, I thought ‘I’ll try to immerse myself in the LA way of life and I’ll join the gym because everyone’s like really into that here. So I joint this gym, ‘Equinox’ on Sunset. I signed up and I went into train and the first person I see if your man Fabio. And he was there with all his hair and all that, and he’s wearing a very loose fitting tank top and he was doing pull ups and he had a crowed around him.

“How long ago was this?”

“This was you know, twelve years ago or something.”

“OK, still not at the height of Fabio Fever. How many pull ups was he doing?”

“He was doing enough to form a crowd. I didn’t join the crowed I just sort of went, “Well maybe LA’s not for me.” Dornan prides himself on his homeland and LA would seem to busy for him.

After returning from a commercial break, we’re privy to a scene from the masqurade ball in which Ana dishes out $24K on a trip to Aspen, which in turn donates to the ‘Coping Together’ campaign, spearheaded by Grace (Christian’s mom)

“(The Premier) is on Thursday.”

“You are in a great field of danger at this thing. Do you have security, like a person who’s hired to keep women away from you to like, keep them off of you?”

“I don’t think that’s exclusively all that hard to do but on a night like that…” “That’s their number one job.”

And do you have people grabbing at you?”

“I don’t mind that. I’m really gonna regret saying that.”

“Your dad, I learned today, has invented a new soccer game that’s becoming popular around the world. What is the game exactly?”

“It’s called Circular Soccer. My dad’s dad who sadly died before I was born, he played soccer for Ireland and so they played this game – a version of this game – when we were kids, when dad was a kid. So dad’s kind of developed it for modern day.”

“Dads got a very active mind and he wants to keep producing, giving something to the world.”

Everything Jamie Dornan • January 31st, 2017

Day two of Fifty Shades Darker promo started off with a bang as photographs and clips of Jamie on Ellen began emerging bright and early on this Tuesday morning.

Jamie sat down with America’s most beloved talk show host to talk Fifty Shades Darker, body hair, baby booms and more.

About Fifty Shades and the BDSM aspect of it, DeGeneres asked “Had you known anything about that world before?” to which Dornan replied “Uh, not at all, no. I mean, the funny thing is, pretty much everything you find in the Red Room you’ve used a version of but not for the same effect. It’s maybe more around like, a horse, or, or you know like doing up a bag that’s particularly filled and you’re using a buckle, that kind of thing. So you have the skill set and you sort of surprise yourself.”

Ellen continued to probe the star about bedroom questions and asked if he brought any of the Red Room props home. “Did Millie say, ‘Bring something home?'” to which Jamie replied a very bashful “No. I don’t think she wants some like, used prop.”

Also asking what we all think and feel, Ellen told Jamie he was responsible for a large baby boom. The Fifty Shades Darker star replied “I’d imagine there was a few extra deliveries,” which he then later elaborates on by telling a beautiful and genuine story about a woman who “…stopped me, I was in an elevator (…) she told me she had trouble conceiving and after Fifty Shades came out, it all sort of clicked into place for them and that they had a baby.”

About Darker, Ellen asks what we can expect in the next movie to the trilogy. “…basically Christian can’t foresee his life without Ana and he’s going to do anything to get her back and she wants him to make massive changes because obviously, he has a few flaws. And there’s some things about the way he treats her that she really isn’t that into. So, he makes big sacrifices for her and compromise in the second movie because he just knows he needs her. And we see a softer side of him as well. We see a softer side of him as well. We see him smile a lot more in the second movie.”

Jamie has had much more time with his character of Christian Grey this time around. For Fifty Shades of Grey, the star only had a mere four weeks to prepare for the character while this time, he had roughly a year before filming began and even had a dialect coach help him perfect a more America accent.

“Did you have to get waxed?” (for Fifty Shades) Ellen asks as a video of her DJ Twitch getting waxed for his role in Magic Mike XXL plays behind him. As Dornan is watching the clip you can hear the discomfort in his voice, squinting and rubbing his face and hands. Sympathetic “No’s” rolling off his tongue before asking Twitch “Why man?” as the crowd continues to roar behind him. Dornan says “I am not particularly a hair suit person, yeah I know I have a very hair suit face. I’m not very hairy so…” We’re just glad the beard is back and we hope it stays! Don’t shave it for anyone Jamie!

But the laughs were only getting started. In the next segment, Jamie being the great sport that he is, helps Ellen complete a scene titled “Fifty Shades Darkest” and just as you’d expect, it exceeds all expectations.

Jamie dons a wig (although we’re loving the buzz cut) while Ellen enters holding a Staples bag (nice advertising) and a faux bust, practically wide open at the collar and down her stomach. The sketch obviously parodies BDSM but finds Dornan in some pretty awkward situation. out of her Staples bag, Ellen pulls out first a staple remover, then a stapler, followed by an old fashioned pencil sharpener – you know, the ones that were mounted to walls at school that you had to turn. But Ellen couldn’t have Jamie fidgeting and squirming while playing with their ‘toys.’ So, she tapes his arms above his head to the headboard. The crowed chuckles and belly laughs at the irony as both Christian Grey and Paul Spector (Jamie’s two most infamous characters) are usually the ones tying up women.

By far, this is one of the funniest sketches Ellen has ever volun-told someone into. As she’s shoving her bogus boustier in Dornan’s face, he’s kicking and giggling his infections giggle as the fans join them in a bluster of howling.

The segment ended with various bows and curtsies from the pair as DeGeneres thanks Dornan for being on her show. Let’s not make it so long before he’s asked back again, Ellen!

You can check out photos of the show by clicking the thumbnails below.

10 days to go – are you ready for something… Darker?

Everything Jamie Dornan • January 30th, 2017

Oh Ellen – See, this is EXACTLY why we (and you, we’re sure) can’t wait for the interview of all interviews!

Ellen shared a photo of Jamie along with a video via Snapchat showcasing the antics she’s cooking up with the Fifty Shades Darker star. It looks like Jamie is now playing the part of the submissive, in only a way Ellen can. You can hear the crowd roaring behind the camera, succumbing to Ellen’s witty and satirical charm and at Dornan’s awkwardness.

Ellen isn’t afraid to push the envelope at the expense of others, and you kind of have to anticipate that with her.

We knew the interview would be spectacular but we weren’t expecting to be laughing right from the gut. This is gearing up to be Jamie’s best, and sexiest, interview yet.

We’ve added screencaps from Ellen’s Snapchat featuring Jamie to our gallery. Just click on the thumbnails below!


Death and Nightingales
Jamie as Liam Ward
Status: Pre-Production
Release Date: Unknown

Set in the countryside of Northern Ireland in 1885, Liam Ward (Jamie Dornan) helps a spontaneous Beth Winters (Ann Skelly), struggling with to control her destiny, escape a restricted life and troublesome relationship with her landowner stepfather (Matthew Rhys) on her 25th birthday.

Written by author Eugene McCabe, it is set to become a BBC mini-series, based on the 1992 novel by the same name.

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Jamie as an IRA Prisoner
Status: Postponed
Release Date: Unknown

Producer Jim Sheridan’s next great film will be based on the true story detailing the September 25th, 1983 Maze (Great) Prison Escape in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The prison was renowned for being one of the most escape proof, impenetrable prisons in the world.

The films production has been postponed.

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Fifty Shades Freed
Jamie as Christian Grey
Status: Released
Release Date: February 9, 2018

After Christian and Ana wed, everything seems to be finally falling into place – except it’s not. With the women of Christian’s past behind them, a new threat comes forward which threatens their happily ever after.

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My Dinner with Hervé
Jamie as journalist Danny Tate
Status: Pre-Production
Release Date: April 2018

Based on a true story recalling the unlikely friendship between Hervé Villechaize (Peter Dinklage) and a journalist named Danny Tate (Jamie Dornan) who interviews him just days before Hervé commits suicide in 1993.

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Jamie as Nick
Status: Post-production
Release Date: April 23, 2018 at Tribeca

Untogether pursues the affair between a former teen prodigy turned heroin addict (Jemima Kirke) now sober, who’s struggling to become a writer and Nick (Jamie Dornan) who plays a successful writer with his memoirs of war-time bravery, which in turn has showered him in wealth and women.

The film premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival in April.

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Robin Hood: Origins
Jamie as Will Scarlet
Status: Post-Production
Release Date: November 21, 2018

A gritty take on the classic Robin Hood story, Jamie plays Will Scarlet, a prominent figure in Robin’s band of Merry Men opposite Taron Egerton (Robin Hood), Jamie Foxx (Little John) and Ben Mendelsohn (Sheriff of Nottingham)

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A Private War
Jamie as Paul Conroy
Status: In Production
Release Date: TBA

Paul Conroy (Jamie Dornan) accompanies American war correspondent, Marie Colvin (Rosamund Pike) as she reports from conflicts overseas including Kosovo, Chechnya, East Timor and the Middle East.

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Jamie Dornan as an IRA Operative
Status: Pre-Production
Release Date: TBA

An IRA operative (Dornan) hunts down the person responsible for the accidental lethal shooting of his wife – an SAS captain (Claflin). Production is scheduled to start this summer in London and Dublin.

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Everything Jamie Dornan
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November 7th, 2014
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