Here are just a few from the 50. You will love this!!
3. You gasped when you discovered that the cork of the Fifty Shadeswine says, “You Are Mine.” (Of course you’ve tried the wine.)
4. You’ve ordered a glass of Bollinger Grande Année Rosé 1999 at dinner and asked the waiter to serve it in a teacup.
5. You’ve definitely Googled what “topping from the bottom” means.
6. You start referring to the thoughts in your head as your “inner goddess.”
7. You can’t see an Audi pass by without screaming, “CHRISTIAN.”
8. You’ve actually gone to an Audi retailer and asked to sit in the “submissive special.”
9. You’ve made your significant other order a gin and tonic (Hendricks with cucumber, to be exact).
We have come to the opinion that we are “Fifty Shades” obsessed. This article is so amazing. Enjoy!!
Read the article here.